
Monday, November 18, 2013

Rasmussen: 58% now view ObamaCare unfavorably, a new high

My favorite stat: “Ninety-five percent (95%) of the Political Class have a favorable opinion of the health care law.” - HotAir

...Eleven percent (11%) of voters say they have been helped by the health care law, but nearly three times as many (30%) say they have been hurt by it. Fifty-four percent (54%) have felt no impact. The number who say they have been helped is down from 15% in October and is the lowest finding this year…

Sixty-six percent (66%) of Democrats continue to view the health care law favorably, although that’s down from 73% a month ago. Ninety percent (90%) of Republicans and 60% of voters not affiliated with either major party have an unfavorable opinion of the law....

New High: 58% View Obamacare Unfavorably - Rasmussen