
Saturday, November 9, 2013

Obama’s Massive Fraud

If he were a CEO in the private sector, he’d be prosecuted for such deception. - Andrew C. McCarthy/National Review

Attorney General Eric Holder’s minions have recently sued Bank of America and UBS. The complaints filed in court by prosecutors allege that these financial institutions defrauded investors in the sale of mortgage-backed securities by failing to disclose important facts about the underlying mortgages. Indeed, prosecutors asserted that financial institutions’ statements about these securities were both lies and, even where arguably true, material omissions. That’s because the statements withheld from investors the fact that the institutions well knew, based on internal analyses, that many of the mortgages backing the securities would go into default.

Recall that President Obama knew three years ago, based on internal analyses, that because of his administration’s own regulation-writing, millions of Americans would lose the health plans he nonetheless continued to promise they could keep. The president hid the data . . . just as did those financial institutions that his trusty attorney general has sued. Comparatively speaking, though, the financial institutions defrauded significantly fewer victims....

The Justice Department is notoriously aggressive when it comes to material omissions by public corporations. Any public statement — not just in a required SEC filing but in any public context — may be deemed actionable if its purpose is to deceive the general public about a company’s condition. For example, as I’ve noted before, the Justice Department indicted Martha Stewart for fraud over press statements that did not disclose damaging information about her company.

Ms. Stewart, naturally, was fearful that truthful statements would send the stock price plummeting. Obama, by comparison, was not lying merely to prevent a company from losing value. His fraud was, first, to induce passage of a plan designed gradually to destroy the private health-insurance market — a plan that barely passed and never would have been enacted if he’d been honest. And later, his fraud was to procure his reelection and the guaranteed implementation of Obamacare; had he been honest, he would have been defeated and Obamacare forestalled.

It is highly unlikely that Barack Obama will ever be impeached. It is certain that he will never again be trusted. Republicans and sensible Democrats take heed: The nation may not have the stomach to remove a charlatan, but the nation knows he is a charlatan. The American people will not think twice about taking out their frustration and mounting anger on those who collaborate in his schemes. (Read the whole piece, click here)

Obama is sorry Americans aren't smart enough to grasp what he really meant when he lied 'lo these past 3 years - Andrew Malcolm/IBD

In his NBC interview Obama, who like Congress is exempt from ObamaCare's provisions, said the usual feel-good non-specifics about asking "my team" to examine ways to ameliorate the pain for millions of Americans losing their existing plan.

And he even emphasized his belief that ultimately the new forced policies would be upgrades. No sedative now for anyone saying goodbye to their existing, affordable plan, unable to shop on Obama's crippled, half-billion-dollar website, facing much higher prices for plans including options they don't want and facing federal financial penalties for non-compliance....

407 430 Sourced Examples Of Obama’s Lies, Deceptions, Distortions, Etc. - Robert Gehl/Downtrend

An independent journalist has released – into the public domain – a list of 407 430 examples of President Obama’s lies, deceptions, distortions, stupidity, cronyism and so on.

“Dan from Squirrel Hill” ◼ has a blog at WordPress where he regularly writes on conservative issues. His list is complete, authoritative and well-sourced.