
Friday, November 29, 2013

Obama's cave-in to Iran may be worse than we knew

While Americans enjoyed their day of thanks and feasting yesterday, news emerged from the Arab world about a shocking dimension of the cave-in to Iran at Geneva. If true, this report from Al-Arabiya is highly disturbing: - Thomas Lifson/American Thinker
Iran and the United States are to establish a joint chamber of commerce within a month, with direct flights also planned, an Iranian official said Wednesday in a newspaper report.

"Iran-U.S. chamber of commerce will be launched in less than one month," Abolfazl Hejazi, a member of Iran's Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture, told the English-language Iran Daily.

In the wake of a historic accord on Sunday between Tehran and major powers on Iran's controversial nuclear program, Hejazi also said his country was ready to start direct flights to the United States.
Why on earth would we want direct flights from Iran to the United States? Iran would control the cargo hold on such flights, which would be able to enter American airspace. Does anyone think the Itanians are so respectful of human life that they would not martyr a planeload of passengers (sending the Muslims to heaven in their view) for the pleasure of detonating a nuke a few thousand feet above New York City?