
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

"Obamacare is a trainwreck — there’s a growing consensus about that. Now the question is: How can we stop it?"

The Constitution points the way to repealing and replacing Obamacare - REP. PAUL RYAN/Washington Examiner

...Republicans may disagree about the tactics. But we must not lose sight of the target. For millions of Americans, Obamacare means premium hikes and cancellation notices. Families are hurting, and businesses are being destroyed.

But there are no shortcuts to full repeal. So we must go after unpopular provisions, highlight their flaws, and lay the groundwork for the law’s replacement.

We can ask Obama why he refuses to give families the same relief he gave big businesses. We can remind the president he broke his promise that if you liked your health care plan, you could keep it. And we can show the country this law just doesn’t work.

At the same time, we've got to argue for real, patient-centered reforms. If Americans are given an honest choice, they'll make the right one. They'll give us a mandate to replace this costly and unjust mistake.

The 2014 congressional elections will be about many things: jobs, spending, energy. But our priority must be to end Obamacare — and to put a real alternative in its place.

The work of constitutional politics is neither quick nor easy. But it’s still the best solution — and the only one worthy of a self-governing people.