
Sunday, November 3, 2013 How political fear was pitted against technical needs

"You had the policy people, largely at the White House, pushing the deadlines and tinkering with the policy, rather than the people who had to run the critical operating path design and program the system” - Washington Post
The first of many "How Obamacare exploded" articles. - Discussion at Lucianne
How Obama crossed the line from bulls–t to dishonesty - Kyle Smith/New York Post
How Americans see President Obama changed in an important way this week. It’s because there is a huge difference between lies and bulls – - t.

Obama says a lot of things that are not true, even nonsensical. But it’s easy to shrug off most of these, because they aren’t really lies. They’re just bulls – - t.

Bulls – - t is airy, meaningless drivel, the stuff that campaigns are made of. Or it’s a misleading oversimplification with hidden qualifiers. Not only do we forgive bulls – - t, we like it. Especially suckers who have far too high an opinion of the importance and efficacy of politicians, people who hope casting a ballot is a way to expunge sin or join a noble crusade. “We are the ones we have been waiting for”? Not a lie. Just bulls – - t.

On June 15, 2009, Obama said, in one of hundreds of similar statements, “No matter how we reform health care, we will keep this promise to the American people: If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. If you like your health-care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health-care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what.”

This wasn’t just bulls – - t. This was a lie.

This was a direct, specific detail that left no wiggle room. It couldn’t be excused as “campaign rhetoric” because he wasn’t running for anything in 2009. It wasn’t a gassy generality. It wasn’t a pie-in-the-sky platitude.
With a jolt, the nation gets the difference between harmless b.s. and treasonous lying. - Discussion at Lucianne
Barack Obama’s Narrative Illusions - Andrew Klavan/PJ Media
It is now apparent to any honest observer that Obama is a rank incompetent too arrogant and foolish to alter his political philosophy even after reality has proven it false. As his record at the time of his original candidacy should have warned us, he has no business in the Oval Office. He simply isn’t up for the job....

But in this left-wing country of the blind, even a one-eyed man can see: Obama’s political achievements, like Hillary Clinton’s political achievements, like Ben Kingsley’s role in freeing India from British rule, are all of a piece — a narrative illusion fostered on us by those who do not believe there is any truth to tell.
The audacity of taupe. - Discussion at Lucianne
Obama ´Matrix´ -- a world of deniability - USA Today
Now the White House has a problem. Finally, Americans have had enough. Reality has encircled the White House. - Discussion at Lucianne
The Silence of the Left - Clarice Feldman/American Thinker
You could hear this coming. - Discussion at Lucianne