
Sunday, November 3, 2013

And there he fulminates, like the Jack Nicholson character in A Few Good Men, too proud not to admit what he's been up to.

The Republican Party could never find someone to attack Obamacare as thoroughly as Dr. Emanuel fails to defend it. - Joel Pollak//Breitbart

We all know that President Barack Obama is the real villain of Obamacare. But, sweet jumpin' Jehosaphat, we'll take Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel.

Here's a guy we barely heard from before--except as the supposed inspiration for the "death panels"--and suddenly, as Obamacare is imploding, the Doc has leapt forward to take credit for the whole thing.

And my goodness, is he a terrible spokesman. By while I mean: more Ezekiel Emanuel, please!

...He seemed content to be a behind-the-scenes operator, never letting on just how involved he really was in the legislation and regulations, or just how close he was to Obama.

But now--thank goodness--some genius in the White House has decided to push this character out front.
And there he fulminates, like the Jack Nicholson character in A Few Good Men, too proud not to admit what he's been up to.

When Wallace asked him why he or President Obama should be able to tell a woman what kind of health insurance she needs, Emanuel shamelessly defended his power over her choice.

More, please!

O-Scare! Adam Baldwin nutshells ‘lying freak’ O-care architect Dr. Emanuel in one pic - Twitchy


Megyn Kelly Presses ObamaCare 'Architect' on Disastrous Rollout: 'Should Someone Be Held Accountable?' - FOX

The 9 Faces of Obamacare Architect Ezekiel Emanuel: Private Companies and Health Insurers Are to Blame for Failures - Doug Ross

I'll save you from having to watch the profoundly disturbing Fox News Sunday panel discussion with Ezekiel "Dr. Death" Emanuel, one of the key architects of Obamacare.

In trying to defend his stillborn brainchild, Emanuel constantly interrupts the other panelist and host Chris Wallace, haranguing them for misunderstanding his genius....

First, Emanuel admits that Obamacare will destroy the individual insurance market.

Second, Emanuel blames insurance companies for Obamacare's failures.

Third, Emanuel also blames private companies for the failures of his grand designs, the genius of which is simply misunderstood by we simple mortals.

In short, everyone else is to blame for the failures of Obamacare. The insurance companies aren't cooperating, the private sector is too greedy, the customers don't know what's best for them.

But it's not the mastermind's fault.

It never is.