
Sunday, October 20, 2013

The unhinged nut who threatened Ted Cruz and his family was fueled by Democrat Party messaging.

Isn’t it about time Democratic leaders quit fueling hatred and violence? - Jim Hoft/Gateway Pundit

Leftwing Activists Post Ted Cruz’s Home Address Encouraging Harassment …Update: Authorities Looking Into Threat - Jim Hoft/Gateway Pundit

The Twitter account of Gilmore, named “DarkNight,” is now protected. But Gilmore wrote numerous threats toward Cruz on his Facebook page, the address of which ends with the term “countdown543,” while linking to anti-Republican activist web pages paid for by the Democratic National Committee, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and a Democratic congressional campaign. - Daily Caller

...“I WILL SAY IT AGAIN LET’S GO TO TED CRUZ,HOME AND KICK HIS STINKING ASS FOR CAUSING THIS MESS.YOU CAN BET HE HAS HIS PAYCHECK AND HEALTH BENEFITS FROM THE SENATE AND CANADA. HE LIVES AT [address redacted by The Daily Caller], THE FUCKING SCUM,” Gilmore posted on Facebook October 14, linking to a Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee web page entitled “Demand Ted Cruz Denounce Disgusting Tea Party Attacks on President Obama.”

“Show up at Ted Cruz’s home he is the dirt bag fucker who caused all of this shit to take place.Lets drag him out hid damn home and kick his ass [address redacted by The Daily Caller].The damn scum bag of a U.S.Senator,from the sorry ass state that hates women,and to think this Pussy is married to one,” Gilmore posted to Facebook October 14, linking to a petition to House Republicans paid for by the campaign of Democratic Rep. Brad Schneider....