
Monday, October 7, 2013

Sixth-graders asked to ‘prune’ Bill of Rights from ‘outdated’ Constitution, BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE:

Via Digital Journal, an Arkansas mother was surprised to learn her sixth-grade daughter’s first assignment on the Constitution was to work in teams to revise the Bill of Rights, including “pruning” two amendments. Why? The assignment posits that the government of the United States has determined that the Bill of Rights “is outdated and may not remain in its current form any longer.” - Twitchy

BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE: Common Core Reaches a New Low – Check This Out!
INAPPROPRIATE!! I am not explaining this to an 8 year old! -

3RD GRADE COMMON CORE WORKSHEET: Ruby sat on the bed she shared with her husband holding a hairclip. There was something mysterious and powerful about the cheaply manufactured neon clip that she was fondling suspiciously. She didn’t recognize the hairclip. It was too big to be their daughter’s, and Ruby was sure that it wasn’t hers. She hadn’t had friends over in weeks but here was this hairclip, little and green with a few long black hair strands caught in it. Ruby ran her fingers through her own blonde hair. She had just been vacuuming when she noticed this small, bright green object under the bed. Now their life would never be the same. She would wait here until Mike returned home.

8. Why is Ruby so affected by the hairclip? Ruby suspects infidelity.

What in the text supports your idea?

She has found a foreign hairclip and is deeply affected by it.

9. How has the hairclip affected Ruby’s relationship?

The hairclip has poisoned the relationship.

What in the text supports your idea?

Unless Mike can otherwise explain it away, "their life will never be the same."

10. From where did the hairclip most likely come? Another woman.

What in the text supports your idea?

Though it could have been a guest with a platonic relationship with Mike, the clip is not recognized by Ruby.

Common Core, the controversial set of education standards being pushed by many state governors and education leaders, is coming under fire for its selection of a book that’s on the suggested reading list for 11th graders (i.e. 16- and 17-year-olds). The book — a past selection of Oprah’s Book Club — has graphic sex scenes and descriptions... - The Blaze

Editor’s note: The following story contains graphic language. Discretion is advised.

Jerry Brown to propose $1 billion for common core education standards