
Sunday, October 20, 2013

Pot growing ordinance back for discussion: Humboldt County supervisors look to address grows as land use issue

A proposed ordinance to regulate growing marijuana in the county will be back for discussion at the Board of Supervisors meeting on Tuesday. - Catherine Wong/The Times-Standard

...Under the proposed ordinance, marijuana plants on properties less than one-half acre in size must be grown indoors, which would make the grow subject to other county building codes.

For properties that are between one-half acre and 5 acres, {Board chairman and 5th District Supervisor Ryan} Sundberg said owners would be allowed a maximum of five mature plants. {Currently 99} A county report states that marijuana grown in a greenhouse is considered an outdoor grow.

The overall canopy of both indoor and outdoor grows must be less than 50 square feet per property....

In May, Sundberg and 3rd District Supervisor Mark Lovelace, who make up the board's medical marijuana subcommittee, were tasked with revising the ordinance in two separate parts: small grows and large grows.

”We decided we would work on the small community nuisance issue first,” he said, adding that properties larger than 5 acres will be addressed after an ordinance for small grows is worked out....