
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Three incumbents, two challengers face off in Northern Humboldt school board race

Beyond the Scandal - Kaci Poor/The Journal

Voter enthusiasm for school board elections is typically pretty low — unless your board happens to have a raging plagiarism scandal. Such is the case in the Northern Humboldt Union High School District, where board members have spent the past four months dealing with fallout from fellow trustee Dan Johnson's plagiarized speech at Arcata High School's graduation ceremony. The incident has led to contentious board meetings, accusations of Brown Act violations and, on Sept. 10, a 3-1 board vote asking for Johnson's resignation, which he has refused to give.

The storyline adds drama to the Nov. 5 election. Will voters prove sympathetic to embattled incumbents Dana Silvernale, Mike Pigg and Colleen Toste? Or will they opt for a clean slate with challengers Brian Lovell and Mark Suchanek?
Election Day is November 5th.