
Thursday, September 19, 2013


At a press conference Thursday, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) said he will use the filibuster and every procedural tool necessary to stop the Affordable Care Act. - Breitbart

From the comments: As someone once said...

"It is amazing that people who think we cannot afford to pay for doctors, hospitals, and medication somehow think that we can afford to pay for doctors, hospitals, medication and a government bureaucracy to administer it".

Actually, Senate GOP can't filibuster to defund Obamacare - Byron York/Washington Examiner @ByronYork

Senate Republicans, along with GOP lawmakers in the House, know that Sen. Ted Cruz and his colleagues don't have the votes to pass a continuing resolution to defund Obamacare. They don't even have the votes -- 41 in the Senate -- to successfully filibuster a resolution that does fund Obamacare. But some had hoped that Cruz & Co. could at least stage an old-fashioned talking filibuster -- like Sen. Rand Paul's March filibuster against U.S. drone policy -- that would at least be a high-profile symbol of Republican opposition to the president's national health care law.

Now, it turns out they can't even do that. "We won't have an opportunity to filibuster," says a Senate Republican aide. "It's going to be a simple majority vote."

Republican Sen. David Vitter is slamming his fellow lawmakers for “lying” and telling their constituents that there is no such thing as an Obamacare exemption for members of Congress and their staff members. - Daily Caller

“Some are lying, trying to mislead the public about the Obamacare exemption for Congress,” Republican Sen. David Vitter said in a statement Thursday. “President Obama recently issued a special rule for Congress and congressional staff to get a special subsidy to purchase health insurance on the Obamacare Exchange unavailable to every other American at similar income levels. That’s an exemption, plain and simple.”