
Thursday, September 5, 2013

Obama's big Syria lie

Obama absolutely is the one who created a red line out of thin air on Syria.
Who drew the red line is not some esoteric question. It goes to the heart of the Syria debate. Are the interests of the United States served by bombing Syria, or is the real purpose in bombing Syria to rehabilitate Obama's credibility in the world?
Because Syria’s convulsion has become as serious as Barack Obama has been careless in speaking about it, he is suddenly and uncharacteristically insisting that Congress participate in governance. Regarding institutional derangements, he is the infection against which he pretends to be an immunization.

In the Illinois legislature, he voted “present” 129 times to avoid difficulties; now he stoops from his executive grandeur to tutor Congress on accountability. In Washington, where he condescends as a swan slumming among starlings, he insists that, given the urgency of everything he desires, he “can’t wait” for Congress to vote on his programs or to confirm persons he nominates to implement them. The virtues of his policies and personnel are supposedly patent and sufficient to justify imposing both by executive decrees....
Senator Rand Paul: Why I’m Voting No on Syria - TIME
The U.S. should not fight a war to save face. I will not vote to send young men and women to sacrifice life and limb for stalemate. I will not vote to send our nation’s best and brightest to fight for anything less than victory. If American interests are at stake, then our goal should not be stalemate.
Charlie Daniels Column: A Citizen's Take on Syria - Newsbusters
...When you're the leader of the free world, you don't make statements you can't back up and you don't draw lines in the sand, watch your enemies cross them with impunity and go off and play a round of golf....
Allen West: Obama is trying to guilt-trip us, but I’m not buying it… - The Right Scoop
Brutality of Syrian Rebels Posing Dilemma in West - New York Times