
Sunday, September 15, 2013

Obamacare-related layoffs, hour cuts and private coverage dumps of the week

As you read these three stories examples of Obamacare’s impact, keep in mind Jay Carney continues to say that suggesting that Obamacare reduces full time hiring is “belied by the facts.” - Doug Powers/Michelle Malkin

Healthcare Co to Lay Off Over 100 Employees, Cites Obamacare - Daniel Halper/Weekly Standard

Insurers in California's new health insurance exchange are holding down premiums by limiting choices, raising concerns that patients will struggle to get care. - LA Times
The doctor can't see you now.

Consumers may hear that a lot more often after getting health insurance under President Obama's Affordable Care Act.

To hold down premiums, major insurers in California have sharply limited the number of doctors and hospitals available to patients in the state's new health insurance market opening Oct. 1.

New data reveal the extent of those cuts in California, a crucial test bed for the federal healthcare law.
Federal employees say 'Hell, NO!' to ObamaCare - John Hayward/Breitbart's "The Conversation"

Shocker: New Survey Finds Nearly Every Federal Employee Rejects ObamaCare - Forbes
Who knew that when President Obama promised, “If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period,” he was only referring to federal employees … and himself?
California Governor Gets Bill to Allow Nurses to Do Vacuum Abortions - The Cal Report

Louisiana's Conservative Alternative to Obamacare - Weekly Standard

Congressman Darrell E. Issa: 4 years ago this week, President Obama promised America "I will not sign a [healthcare] plan that adds one dime to our deficit," a promise which we now know he's broken.

It's long past time to repeal ObamaCare. ◼ Stand with me and sign the national petition to repeal ObamaCare.