
Friday, September 20, 2013


On a conference call with Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-OK), Rep. Matt Salmon (R-AZ) said “the American people [are] finally taking their government back.” - Matthew Boyle/Breitbart

“When it first started, a lot of people came out and said ‘technically it can’t be done,’” Bridenstine said. “’Technically, this is a Continuing Resolution and Obamacare is on the mandatory side so it can’t be defunded with a Continuing Resolution.’ And we proved that it can be defunded with a Continuing Resolution. After we proved that it could be defunded with a Continuing Resolution, then interestingly people started listening to the American people a little bit more. Then it was ‘politically, it can’t be done. We don’t have the votes. We don’t have the votes.’ We heard that over and over and over again. Well, tomorrow, we’re going to take a vote. And tomorrow we’re going to find out in the House of Representatives that we do, in fact, have the votes. And then it’s going to go to the Senate.”

Bridenstine said conservatives may in fact be able to defund Obamacare in the Senate, too, just like the House.

“Interestingly, everybody is going to say that the Senate can’t prevail,” Bridenstine said. “But they have said over and over again, and Ted Cruz said it just right. The pundits were saying it can’t be done. But the reason we have come this far is because of how many people have been reaching out to their members of Congress, how many people have been talking to their friends and their neighbors and going to and signing the petition and getting their friends and neighbors to sign the petition. It has absolutely changed the dynamic of this conversation.”

Tom McClintock: The house will be passing a continuing resolution to keep the government open. It will continue to fund all programs at their current levels - except Obamacare.

As a result of Obamacare, people are losing their jobs or seeing their hours cut back, their premiums are skyrocketing, their plans are being cut back, their employers are dropping their plans. De-funding Obamacare is hugely important to help relieve this pain on American families.