
Monday, August 12, 2013

Obama’s representatives tell us we don’t take sides in religious wars, but somehow it’s okay to issue a State Department “fatwa” against the enemies of Islam?

State Dept Offers $10 Million Reward For Kill or Capture Of 'Enemies Of Islam' - IJ Review

And remember this gem from Obama’s address to the UN Assembly just months after the Benghazi, Libya terrorist attack on 9/11 (which the White House knew was not caused by a “slanderous” YouTube video): “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”

...Where were all the “Wanted” posters for the killing of Christians in such idyllic Middle Eastern nations as Egypt and Syria over the past few years? What about strongly condemning the terrorists who carried out Benghazi and putting a huge public bounty on their heads? Oh, but they just slandered and killed some Christians, right?