
Friday, August 16, 2013

Obama’s Egypt Disaster and Spreading Fear

The Egyptian military has drawn a line in the sand and are not going to surrender or subjugate themselves to Islamic radicals. It is that simple. - Larry Johnson/No Quarter

What is in the national security interest of the United States? Backing forces committed to containing and defeating radical Islamists. Very simple. To that end we ought to be helping the Egyptian military rather than lecturing them.

'THE NILE RUNS RED'... - Lee Smith/Weekly Standard
'Incoherent' Obama policy under fire as violence spreads... - FOX
'Speak Softly and Carry No Stick'...
US credibility 'in tatters'... - Kim Ghattas/BBC

Reuters LIVEVia Drudge

POTUS partytime on Martha's Vineyard... - New York Post