
Friday, August 23, 2013

Nidal Hasan GUILTY on all counts in Fort Hood shooting

Major Nidal Hasan Guilty on All Counts in ‘Workplace Violence’ Incident - Rick Moran/PJMedia

The man who screamed “Allahu Akbar” while murdering 13 soldiers at Fort Hood in an incident the Army characterized as “workplace violence” has been found guilty on all counts in a military court.

...If Hasan is executed, it will be the first death sentence carried out by the military since 1961, when Pvt. John Bennett was hung for the rape and murder of an 11 year old Austrian girl.

Hasan had been charged with 13 premeditated counts and an additional 32 attempted premeditated counts of murder. Today’s verdict means that Hasan will face the death penalty. - Mandy Nagy/Le-gal In-sur-rec-tion

From the comments: So now that this “workplace violence” event has been settled when is Obama and Holder going to be put on trial for violating the public trust?

Fort Hood shooter convicted on all counts - FOX

Hasan, an Army psychiatrist, had acted as his own attorney at the 13-day trial, but questioned only three of nearly 90 witnesses and presented only a single piece of evidence in his defense: an evaluation from his boss that called him a good soldier. He also chose not to make a closing statement.

The American-born Muslim told jurors during a brief opening statement that evidence would "clearly show" he was the shooter, and he described himself as a soldier who had "switched sides."

Military attorneys assigned to Hasan -- who remained on standby throughout the trial as he went it alone -- have suggested he wants to be put to death.

Fort Hood gunman Maj Nidal Hasan guilty on all counts - BBC