
Saturday, August 24, 2013

“It’s already blowing up. Daily assassinations, bi-weekly prison escapes, we waited way too long.”

Hillary’s Infamous Benghazi Outburst given new meaning - I Own The World

Even Hillary Clinton’s Accountability Review Board (ARB), headed by Thomas “I schmoozed with the Muslim Brotherhood in Qatar this past June” Pickering, acknowledged lapses. The problem was that the dead Ambassador bore the brunt of the responsibility for his own death and not one State Department employee faced consequences.

Now, with no suspects in custody, it appears that Special ops personnel, whose job is to provide intelligence on the ground in Benghazi right now, are being pulled out of the region… for good.

Via Fox News:
“We put American special operations in harm’s way to develop a picture of these suspects and to seek justice and instead of acting, we stalled. We just let it slip and pass us by and now it’s going to be much more difficult,” one source said, citing 1,200 prisoners escaping two weeks ago. “It’s already blowing up. Daily assassinations, bi-weekly prison escapes, we waited way too long.”
WHILE OBAMA SLEPT: A Tribute to Benghazi's Heroes - Doug Ross

Greg Marra, the artist who created the statue for fallen Navy SEAL, Chris Kyle, has begun working on the statue to commemorate the 4 fallen in Benghazi.

This tribute statue will be a reminder to politicians, that while they play their political games with people’s lives, the American people won’t forget and we will hold those responsible accountable.