
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Egypt’s Unraveling and the Coming Chaos

There is no way to sugarcoat it: Egypt stands on the brink of a bloody, nasty civil war, and, at the very least, sustained civil unrest and sectarian violence. The current confrontation between the Egyptian military and radical Islamists — led by the Muslim Brotherhood — will not end well and the MB and its allies will not go quietly. - Erick Stakelbeck/National Review

The Muslim Brotherhood is about to help tear the most populous and influential Arab nation apart. And the Obama administration, which has supported this inherently anti-American, anti-Semitic death cult at every turn over the past four years, is paralyzed as to what to do next. The infamous Cairo speech of 2009 (which, tellingly, was attended by MB members at the administration’s request) is now little more than a punchline.

Krauthammer’s Take: Muslim Brotherhood Has Lost Its Oppositional ‘Aura’ - National Review


The Muslim Brotherhood's year in power brought a litany of abuses against the Copts by the Brotherhood and its allies. Examples include its torturing opponents; deterring Copts from voting in last December's constitutional referendum; tolerating the assault on Coptic Christianity's holiest cathedral by Islamic militants in April; and quashing an investigation into the October 2011 Maspero massacre that left 30 Copts dead and 500 wounded.

BLOODBATH CAIRO: TROOPS CRACK DOWN...Security Forces' Efforts to Clear Cairo Sit-Ins Sparks Violence; At Least 278 People Killed Across Egypt - Wall St. Journal
Protestors push police off bridge... - Daily Mail
Bros demands Morsi return... - Reuters
A massacre in Cairo and a failure of US diplomacy in Egypt - Dan Murphy/Christian Science Monitor
'Government Thugs Beat Me Up'... - Daily Beast
Blood and tyranny...

Obama plays golf as White House condemns Egypt violence - Dave Boyer/Washington Times

Egyptians' Blood Is On Obama Administration's Hands - IBD Editorial

...the blood flowing on the banks of the Nile today attests to the arrogance of a U.S. president who thought he could go to the Mideast and part the Red Sea.