
Sunday, July 28, 2013

Serial sexter Anthony Weiner paid a private eye nearly $45,000 in campaign cash to investigate his lie that a hacker posted a crotch shot on his Twitter feed, campaign spending records show

◼ The First Scandal: The Events of June 5, 2011 and June 6, 2011, and How the New York Times, Anthony Weiner, and Huma Abedin Falsely Portrayed Weiner’s Admission As Spontaneous - Patterico

Weiner’s brazen attempt to cover his tracks occurred shortly after Memorial Day weekend in 2011, when his first sexting scandal erupted and he went into furious spin control trying to save his career in Congress. - New York Daily News

He maintained that he had been victimized — and promised an investigation to get to the bottom of how it happened.

“They’ll be looking into whether someone had my password,” he told CNN....

Weiner ultimately paid a private investigations firm, T&M Protection services, $43,100 from his campaign fund — knowing nobody hacked anything and that he’d sent the image himself.

◼ In new scandal: Woman who sexted Anthony Weiner says she loved him but is 'disgusted by him' now

Sydney Leathers shared the details of her months-long Internet fling with gossip media outlets. But, says an ex-friend, 'She is not the victim here … He is obviously weak and she has nothing to lose by this, but he does. They are both morons.'

...Yet, Leathers claimed she had deep feelings for Weiner — and that it was mutual. “I cared about him a lot. He was very important to me,” she told “Inside Edition.”

When asked if she told him that she loved him, she said, “Yes,” and claimed that he said the same to her.


After walking through the destroyed house and meeting several neighbors who also shared their Sandy horror stories, he was confronted by retired schoolteacher Peg Brunda.

“I don’t quite understand how you would feel you’d have the moral authority, as the head administrator in this city, to oversee employees, when your standard of conduct is so much lower than the standard of conduct that is expected of us,” said Brunda.

Weiner asked whether she would vote for him. Brunda said no.

◼ Even Axelrod: 'It's Time for Him to Go Away' - Daniel Halper/Weekly Standard

Why is everyone turning on Huma Abedin? - Emily Shire/The Week

Weiner's wife Huma Abedin under scrutiny over two jobs - CBS

Abedin, a longtime aide to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, worked for a little under a year as a "special government employee" for the State Department. During that period in 2012, she was also working as a consultant for a private firm called Teneo, giving private investors information about the government.

Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, last month sent the State Department a letter inquiring about Abedin's two jobs.

It has been reported that Ms. Abedin earned approximately $135,000 from the State Department while receiving $355,000 in consulting income for representing outside clients, as she remained a Federal employee and a trusted advisor to Secretary Clinton," Grassley wrote. "This raises important questions about whether her dual role was adequately disclosed to government officials who may have provided her information without realizing that she was being paid by private investors to gather information."

Grassley asked the State Department and Abedin to respond to 17 questions, as well as a request for all documents relating to communications between the State Department and Teneo, or clients represented by Teneo. The State Department and Abedin responded, giving the specific dates of her employment and confirming that she read State Department ethics guidelines before becoming a "special government employee." They also explained that Abedin, as a State Department employee, "advised" Clinton and supervised the operations of her travel and schedule.

And then:
Who Tipped BuzzFeed About Weiner’s Cyber-Girlfriend Sydney Leathers? - The Other McCain

One of the bloggers who did the most damage to Anthony Weiner during the 2011 scandal was Patterico who — just coincidentally, FYI — was also a target of relentless harassment by the obscure alliance of forces that we call Team Kimberlin. Today, Patterico returns to the saga with a devastating timeline of how Weiner’s enablers made this latest scandal possible, and don’t miss this:
And, disturbingly for a guy who was talking about “cape and tights” to a high school girl in Delaware — a grooming line he had used with an adult woman with whom he had sexted — Weiner asks Sydney Leathers if her “pussy” is “smooth” . . .
Oh, my goodness. That seems rather weird, eh?

And while the New York Times sees a pattern, they apparently can’t be bothered to notice that pattern.

Timeline of Anthony Weiner’s Sociopathic Sexting and The Dishonesty of Him and His Wife Huma Abedin - Patterico

Here is the timeline you need to read to understand what a sociopath Anthony Weiner is, and how his wife Huma Abedin has actively helped him lie to the public about his supposed rehabilitation.... You aren’t going to read this in Big Media, so I think you should see some of the stuff he was saying to this young woman while he was supposedly a diaper-changing new dad whose life was turned around by the birth of his son - at the link.

SUNDAY TALK SHOW MUST READ! CBS Bob Schieffer said WHAT WE'RE ALL THINKING! Calls Anthony Weiner a "modern-day FLASHER" and orders him out of the New York Mayoral race! You'll die reading this:

"CBS host Bob Schieffer blasted Anthony Weiner on Sunday, calling his situation “sickening” and urging him to leave the New York City mayor’s race.

“About the Anthony Weiner story that hasn't been said before - actually, several things. One, it is not funny. It is sickening,” Schieffer said in his commentary on “Face the Nation.” “Two, it is important. The mayor of New York is not only the most powerful municipal post in America but because New York is so big and is the media capital of the world, the mayor of New York occupies a bully pulpit, second in bullyishness only to that of the White House.”

Schieffer said someone with Weiner's problems has "no business" leading a city that matters far beyond its city limits.

“The rest of us may not like it, but what the mayor of New York says matters far beyond the New York city limits, which is why someone with Anthony Weiner's problem has no business there and should leave the race,” Schieffer continued.

Schieffer said Weiner is not “an entertaining kook” and questioned why anyone would subject their family to such a situation.

“He is a new-age flasher who has traded the traditional raincoat that can be opened to show his wares, for a digital camera that enables him to expose himself for the world, a dubious technological achievement,” Schieffer said. “Why would anyone put themselves and their loved ones through something like this, I wouldn’t want to know.” (Via The Kitchen Cabinet on Facebook)