
Sunday, July 28, 2013

Erection News: Weiner's campaign chief quits as sext pal's 'sugar daddy' past emerges

Anthony Weiner’s already limp mayoral campaign suffered another huge blow yesterday, when his campaign manager abandoned the sinking ship. - New York Post

Danny Kedem quit as Weiner’s campaign point man following a disastrous week on the trail, the embattled mayoral candidate confirmed this morning.

"Danny has left the campaign. He did a remarkable job," Weiner said

"We have an excellent staff. More people have come on frankly. We've gotten more volunteers and more people coming over to help the campaign since the least several days since anytime since the campaign started."

Weiner’s Campaign Manager Quits After Latest Revelations - Michael Barbaro?New York Times
Huma's mom arrives to support her scandal hit daughter as Weiner's sexting partner calls their marriage a 'business relationship' - Daily Mail