
Saturday, June 8, 2013

You Need to Know - AB 8 or SB 11

You Need to Know - The Elise Richmond Show

(O)n 5/29/2013 in the state senate, 4 Republican Senators voted to change the GOP principles and help the party to become even smaller. Senators Emmerson, Walters, Cannella and Huff, the leader of the Senate Republicans, voted to raise their fellow Californians' taxes by over $2.3 billion.

Who is telling these elected Republicans that over taxation by Republicans will grow our party? In fact, it will grow it smaller. Republicans stand for smaller government, less taxes, not bigger government and higher taxes. So, now do we all consider Senators Emmerson, Walters, Cannella, and Huff to be useless and untrustworthy in helping us build the Republican Party here in California? Now should they be considered liabilities in our efforts? Or, will we still laud them, tell them that they are wonderful and continue to pile on the honors. When did it become OK to be a herd of RINOs?

You need to know, yes, but you also need to contact your Assemblyman or Assemblywoman and tell him or her not to go against our Party, the California Republican Party, by raising our taxes and voting for AB 8 or SB 11. Tell them that we don't have a tax problem, but they have a spending problem. Tell them to not sell their vote to the Democrats for higher taxes on all of us. Please pass this on to your entire email list and make a difference.

Dear Members and Friends of the Federation -

This article is the first in a series of We The Women Guest Editorials.
*Elise RIchmond is a well-known conservative talk-radio host in the Coachello Valley and environs. She is a member and past president of the Palm Springs Republican Women, Federated, and is on the executive committee of the California Federation of Republican Women, Southern Division. She is currently dedicated to a voter I.D. initiative spinning out of Southern Division, "Guard My Vote." She can be reached at

Nancy EIsenhart, Southern Division President
California Federation of Republican Women