
Monday, May 20, 2013

Three Signs There’s a Cover-Up

“Mistakes were made….I don’t recall” and other surefire clues. - John Fund/National Review

The late columnist William Safire once said that a good clue that someone in Washington was engaged in “an artful dodge,” i.e., a cover-up, was that they used the phrase “mistakes were made.” Safire defined it as a “passive-evasive way of acknowledging error while distancing the speaker from responsibility for it.”

The phrase became infamous when both Richard Nixon and Ron Ziegler, his press secretary, deployed it to explain away Watergate without explaining who did what and when or whether any ill motive was involved.

Astonishingly, the Internal Revenue Service resurrected the Nixonian expression within hours of its clumsy revelation that it had targeted tea-party groups and other organizations with “patriot” or “9/12” in their names.

Here are some other clues that a Washington cover-up is going on.

1. No one seems to be able to name the players....
2. Spinners minimize the scandal by claiming it would have been impossible to detect it....
3. Critics are discredited.... Read it all, at the link.

SAVE THE DATE: John Fund will be Keynote Speaker at Humboldt GOP's fundraiser, June 20th at Blue Lake Casino's Sapphire Room. Tickets are $45/person