
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Busted: IRS chief admits it was his ‘incredibly bad idea’ to plant question that led to IRS ‘apology’

link - Twitchy

The White House’s shifting IRS account - Day By Day, the story changes - Politico

Monday’s revelation amounts to the fifth iteration of the Obama administration’s account of events, after initially saying that the White House had first learned of the controversy from the press.

A Texas group dedicated to combatting voter fraud applied for tax-exempt status in 2010 and has suffered three years of delays, been through four different IRS agents, undergone six FBI inquiries and submitted thousands of pages of documentation — and it still hasn’t been approved. - Stephen Dinan/Washington Times

True the Vote is just one of the dozens of groups caught up in the IRS plan to give extra scrutiny to conservative groups in the 2010 and 2012 elections.

As Congress delves into the question of whether the burgeoning scandal was bureaucratic malfeasance, as the IRS now acknowledges, or a more sinister political witch hunt, as some Republicans believe, True the Vote’s experience is poking holes in the IRS’ version of events, and lending credence to the nefarious explanations.

Michele Bachmann: IRS admission means credibility of 2012 election in doubt - Joe Newby/