
Friday, May 3, 2013

Boston bomber´s widow stops cooperating with authorities as it emerges the female DNA found on bomb is NOT hers

Fingerprints and DNA found on at least one bomb does not belong to her, Authorities 'skeptical about her insistence she had nothing to do with it' - Lydia Warren/Daily Mail

Katherine Russell, the widow of Boston bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev, has stopped co-operating with authorities as it emerged female DNA found on one of the detonated bombs does not belong to her.

Tsarnaev, who was later killed in a gunfight with authorities, called his wife in the hours after the FBI released surveillance images of him and his younger brother, Dzhokhar.

But only Russell knows what was said in the conversation, as she has stopped cooperating with authorities over recent days, the New York Times reported....

A source told CNN that the bombs were built in the apartment that Tsarnaev shared with Russell and their three-year-old daughter. Residue samples were found on the kitchen table, the kitchen sink, and the bathtub, the source said.
Her silence comes as sources told the newspaper that the fingerprints and female DNA found on at least one of the bombs did not belong to her. Authorities had taken a sample from her this week.