
Sunday, April 28, 2013

Video: Was Gosnell an aberration in late-term abortions?

Live Action’s undercover journalist went to a Bronx abortion clinic to discuss the potential outcomes of a 23-week abortion — that’s nearly 6 months along — and got the kind of advice that one would expect from Kermit Gosnell himself: - HotAir

What happens, the young woman asks, if the baby is moving and breathing when it comes out? No worries, says the abortion-clinic saleswoman — the toxic solution will make it “automatically stop.” If the baby spontaneously delivers, she advises the mother to “Flush it!” Or, failing that, stick the baby in a plastic bag and bring him or her to the clinic for the toxic solution. Don’t go to the hospital, she warns, because the hospital might actually try to save the baby.

The truth about late-term abortion - Kyle Smith/New York Post

Is the Kermit Gosnell baby-murder mill in Philadelphia an isolated case? Consider what happened at Dr. Emily’s Women’s Health Center in The Bronx on Jan. 11, 2013....

In fact, when the pregnant woman brought up the idea that, if the abortion failed and resulted in a live birth, “I would have to take it home,” the employee said, “No. That is so illegal! Once was start this, we have to finish it.”

So went a sting operation conducted by Live Action, an anti-abortion group founded by activist Lila Rose. Rose’s recording raises the alarming possibility that some abortion clinic employees think it’s illegal not to murder any infant who survives an abortion....

So, how many Gosnells are out there right now? Isn’t in it in the interest of any of our various governments to find out?

As President Obama said, in reference to the massacre of children in Newtown, “If there’s even one thing we can do to reduce this violence, if there’s even one life that can be saved, then we’ve got an obligation to try.”

Obama bemoaned the influence of a rich, well-connected, absolutist influence group (the gun lobby) at that time.

Will Gosnell’s murder spree cause the president to bemoan the influence of a rich, well-connected, absolutist influence group (the pro-abortion lobby) this time?

Will he call for new laws? Better enforcement of existing laws? Will he say anything at all? Or will he stand by his curiously tightlipped new formulation, “I’m familiar with it”?

Of course not. Obama praised Planned Parenthood Friday morning (“God bless you”) and not only didn’t mention Gosnell, he didn’t even use the word abortion, of which the organization provides more than any other group in the US.

Instead he kept using euphemisms like “women’s health,” as though pregnancy were a disease and ending it was like prescribing medicine, and he even confused abortion with “contraceptive care.”

Actor Ken Wahl blasts Obama’s character; ‘No mention of Gosnell’ during Planned Parenthood speech - Twitchy

Obama has nothing to say about the trial of Kermit Gosnell and his house of horrors, but he has plenty to say in praise of Planned Parenthood.

Of course, it’s not surprising. As Twitchy readers know, President Obama is on the record having no problem with babies being born alive and then left to die.
As I understand it, this puts the burden on the attending physician who has determined, since they were performing this procedure, that, in fact, this is a nonviable fetus; that if that fetus, or child — however way you want to describe it — is now outside the mother’s womb and the doctor continues to think that it’s nonviable but there’s, let’s say, movement or some indication that, in fact, they’re not just coming out limp and dead..

Another Undercover Recording:

‘It Will Expire Shortly After Birth’ - Kathryn Jean Lopez/National Review

Antiabortion group releases videos of clinic workers discussing live births - Washington Post

Live Action plans to release more videos as part of a campaign targeting clinics that perform abortions late in pregnancy, also known as “late-term” abortions. It claims that the videos show that abortion doctors are willing to kill babies in violation of the federal Born-Alive Infants Protection Act of 2002, which requires them to try to save a child born during a failed abortion using the same measures used in miscarriages or preterm births at the same stage of pregnancy.

Videos, court fight fuel surging debate on abortion - Cheryl Wetzstein/Washington Times

Gosnell's abortion atrocities no 'aberration' - Closing arguments leave questions about clinics elsewhere in America. - Kirsten Powers/USA Today

Abortion rights advocates have asserted that Gosnell was an "extreme outlier" and opposed legislation to increase regulation of Pennsylvania abortion clinics as they have in other states. But how could they possibly know that this is an aberration?

Last week, Ohio officials shut down an abortion clinic after inspectors found that a medical assistant administered narcotics to five patients, that narcotics and powerful sedatives weren't properly accounted for, that pharmacy licenses had expired and that four staff members hadn't been screened for a communicable disease.

This month, a Delaware TV station reported that two Planned Parenthood nurses resigned in protest over conditions at a clinic there. One nurse, Jayne Mitchell-Werbrich, said, "It was just unsafe. I couldn't tell you how ridiculously unsafe it was."

Clinic closure drumbeat

Last month, Maryland officials shut down three abortion clinics, two for failings in their equipment and training to deal with life-threatening complications.

Last year, an Associated Press investigation found that Illinois hadn't inspected some abortion clinics for 10 to 15 years. After state health officials reinvigorated their clinic inspections in the wake of Gosnell, inspectors closed two clinics, including one fined for "failure to perform CPR on a patient who died after a procedure," according to AP.

Such problems wouldn't be a shock to Pennsylvania state Rep. Margo Davidson, the only member of the Democratic black caucus to vote for the abortion-regulation bill passed there. She told me, "We don't know how many (Gosnells) there are. I'm not trying to overturn Roe v. Wade, but if a woman makes this difficult choice, she should at least be afforded the highest level of care." She said the choice community knew what was going on and did nothing....