
Thursday, April 4, 2013

“Our Boobs Are Stronger Than Their Stones”

Naked feminists celebrating “International Topless Jihad Day” held rallies across Europe in support of Tunisian activist Amina Tyler who sparked a scandal last month when she posted naked pictures of herself online with anti-Islamic messages across her chest. - Gateway Pundit

Al-Arabiya reported:
Bare-breasted activists staged rallies in front of mosques and Tunisian embassies across Europe Thursday against what they called an Islamist crackdown on Arab women’s rights.

Protesters from the Ukrainian women’s power group Femen held “International Topless Jihad Day” in capitals such as Berlin, Kiev and Paris and painted their torsos with slogans including “Bare breasts against Islamism.”

“We’re free, we’re naked, it’s our right, it’s our body, it’s our rules, and nobody can use religion, and some other holy things, to abuse women, to oppress them,” Femen member Alexandra Shevchenko said at a small demonstration in front of a Berlin mosque amid temperatures near the freezing point.

“And we’ll fight against them. And our boobs will be stronger than their stones.”

The rallies targeted, in particular, the case of a Tunisian activist calling herself Amina Tyler who sparked a scandal last month when she posted pictures of herself online with the words “My body belongs to me” and “F*** your morals” emblazoned across her naked chest.

Supporters fear she could face criminal prosecution.