
Monday, April 8, 2013

I realized that we out on the street were not protesting against the president’s agenda: We were part of the president’s agenda.

Protesters greet Obama on S.F.’s Billionaires’ Row - Zombietime ◼ Zomblog(Cross-posted at PJMedia.)

...The purpose is not to change Obama’s mind, the purpose is to provide him with political cover to make bad or unpopular decisions, by fabricating hollow “popular uprisings” which he can then point to as indicative of overall public opinion....

Barack Obama is an addict. And his drug of choice is the money showered on him by Bay Area billionaires.

The lure of endless cash and boundless adoration is just too much to resist, and so for the umpteenth time since 2008 he once again scheduled a fundraising trip through San Francisco, this time on April 3 to benefit Nancy Pelosi and her quest to reclaim the Speakership of the House: since Obama himself no longer needs campaign donations, all the money gathered on this trip would go to Democratic congressional candidates.

As soon as Obama's Bay Area fundraisers were announced, activist groups began to schedule protests. But in the post-2012 era, none of these groups were conservative; instead, the protesters were all challenging Obama from the left, in an attempt to sway his policies ever more leftward....