
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Great Ammunition Myth

Something strange is going on. Federal non-military agencies have bought two billion rounds of ammunition in the last 10 months. The Obama Administration says that federal law enforcement agents need the ammunition for “mandatory quarterly firearms qualifications and other training sessions....” - William Bigelow/Breitbart

Even though the National Rifle Association says that the amount of ammunition bought isn’t excessive, considering the number of federal agents and the fact that the ammunition is used over a five-year period, there are others who question why the need for so many federal agents. Among them is Jeff Knox, director of The Firearms Coalition, who said:
It’s not the number of bullets we need to worry about but the number of feds with guns it takes to use those bullets....

Rumor control: Did the Dept. of Homeland Security recently request to purchase 21,600,000 rounds of handgun ammo? - Daily Caller

The government is not planning a violent putdown of civil unrest. - Charles C. W. Cooke/National Review Online could reasonably ask why the Social Security Administration would need any ammunition at all. Are the elderly especially unruly these days? ...Okay. And why does the USDA need 320,000 rounds? Because it runs the Forest Service, which covers “155 national forests” and “20 national grasslands” on a total of “193 million acres of land.” ...It’s all about scale. Forty-six thousand rounds also sound like a lot for the National Weather Service. (Actually, the ammo was requested by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Fisheries Office of Law Enforcement, which is overseen by the same department.) In reality, it’s not that much.

Feds, media rebut Sarah Palin ´stockpiling bullets´ claim - Ken Cirilli/Politico

While government agencies are, in fact, purchasing large amounts of ammunition, they are doing so for training exercises and shooting ranges, according to federal officials. The Washington Post last month summed up the Department of Homeland Security’s buying of more than 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition for training with an article headlined, “Not so sinister: Homeland Security is stockpiling ammo for target practice.”

But what about those DHS purchases of armored vehicles for domestic use? Though I guess that sort of thing is nothing new. - Instapundit/PJM

DHS Adopts Armored Vehicles for Domestic Use -

Why Is Obama's Growing DHS Army Buying Armored Vehicles? - IBD

In addition to stockpiling over a billion bullets and thousands of semiautomatic weapons the feds would deny U.S. citizens, the vehicle of choice for fighting the counterinsurgency war in Iraq is appearing on U.S. streets.

The sequestration question du jour is why the Department of Homeland Security, busy releasing hundreds, if not thousands, of deportable and detained illegal aliens due to budget constraints, is buying several thousand Mine Resistant Armored Protection (MRAP) vehicles?

And just who are they intended to be used against?

Drone strikes against Americans on U.S. soil are legal - Joel Gehrke/Washington Examiner @joelmentum