
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Idaho state House passes measure to prevent enforcement of new federal gun restrictions

If you’re a gun owner living in Idaho, you may have picked the right state to live in. If you’re a gun owner not living in Idaho, maybe you should move there. - Red Alert Politics

The state of Idaho is already one step ahead if the Obama administration successfully passes its gun control proposals.

The Republican-controlled state House just passed legislation that would prohibit state and local police from enforcing any gun control mandates the federal government passes.

The bill passed by a large margin, 55-13, sending it on its way to the state Senate....

Idaho isn’t the only state pushing pro-gun measures. State legislatures in Montana, Wyoming, Texas and Virginia have all sought out legislation to block potential federal gun restrictions. One Georgia town is even considering mandating gun ownership.

Bottom line: all across the country, states are sending President Obama a clear message. We don’t want your federal gun control laws here.

Outdoor Channel Blacklists Colorado Over Gun Control Laws - Godfather Politics

Living in the Southwest for most of my life, I’ve seen just how many people go to Colorado to hunt, fish, ski, hike, camp and sight see. Combined together, these activities generate millions of dollars for businesses as well as the state government.

Yet, the controlling Democrats are willing to lose a large portion of that revenue and place many businesses in jeopardy, just to push Obama’s anti-gun policies. A couple of major businesses are already looking to relocate out of the state because of the recently passed and newly proposed anti-gun laws.

Now, the Outdoor Channel, a very popular cable network for hunters, fishermen and outdoors type people, has notified the Colorado Senate Republican Caucus that they are prepared to pull all of their productions out of the state if the anti-gun laws are passed. Currently, the Outdoor Channel has four cable program series being produced in Colorado, including their most popular program ‘Gun Stories.’

California Seizes Guns as Owners Lose Right to Keep Arms - Bloomberg