
Friday, March 15, 2013

CPAC highlights

Lt. Col. Allen West:

Nothing a ‘Liberal Progressive Fears More’ Than a Black Conservative - CNS

“There’s nothing on this green earth that a liberal progressive fears more than a black American who wants a better life and a smaller government,” West said.

Conservatives “understand that the Constitution was written to control and regulate the government, not the people,” he said.

U.S. Senator Pat Toomey:

Mario Lopez:

U.S. Senator Mike Lee

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio:

U.S. Senator Rand Paul:

#StandwithRand: Sen. Rand Paul asks CPAC to stand with him in liberty; Attendees remain standing through speech - Twitchy

Texas Governor Rick Perry:

Donald Trump:

Presidential Dinner sponsored by Newsmax feat. Jim DeMint:

U.S. Senator Kelly Ayotte:

‘Leading From Behind Doesn’t Work’ - Viral Read

Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.), spoke at CPAC this morning to a rousing reception. One of the rising stars in the Republican Party, Ayotte spoke on national security, outlining the failures of the Obama administration when it comes to foreign relations.

In Libya, she said, four of our citizens, one being our Ambassador to the country, lost their lives because of a lack of attention and leadership in the country. Ayotte blamed Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, mocking Clinton’s statement to Congress that she was “clear eyed” when it came to security in Benghazi.

U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell:

McConnell vows to repeal Obama health care law - AP/Yahoo

McConnell faces re-election next year. He says Republicans need to rebound from election losses last year and, quote, "punch back." He says Democrats haven't had a new idea, quote, "since the days of the Studebaker."
He compares the possibility of Democrats nominating Hillary Rodham Clinton or Joe Biden for president in 2016 to, quote, a "rerun of 'The Golden Girls.'"

U.S. Representative Paul Ryan:

Paul Ryan and Wayne LaPierre speeches at CPAC - Matt Purple/American Spectator

Paul Ryan tells conservatives of the need to cut the budget, tackle poverty - JS Online

'Vatican not only place blowing smoke'...

Hey, girl! Paul Ryan to CPAC crowd: ‘Nice to be in a room full of conservatives for a change’ - Twitchy

NRA's Wayne LaPierre

‘Let Them Be Damned’ - Eliana Johnson/National Review

“Scissors? That’s their answer?” LaPierre asked. “Let’s get this straight: To protect our children at school, we recommend a trained professional with a gun, and they recommend scissors? And they say we’re crazy? It’s sheer madness.”

He went on to mock the advice offered by Vice President Joe Biden in a recent town hall, in which he counseled a young woman to protect herself with a double-barreled shotgun, arguing that such a weapon is preferable to a semi-automatic rifle. “The vice president of the United States actually told women facing an attack to just empty their shotguns into the air. Honestly, have they lost their minds over at the White House?” The question was rhetorical, and the crowd whistled and cheered in approval.

“Keep your advice, we’ll keep our guns,” LaPierre concluded, to sustained applause.

Rick Santorum

Former Governor Mitt Romney (Intro by Gov. Nikki Haley):

Romney Warmly Welcomed at CPAC: Mitt Romney may have lost the election but he evidently hasn’t lost the hearts of many conservatives. Introduced at CPAC a few minutes ago, Romney was given a prolonged standing ovation and welcomed with chants of “Mitt! Mitt! Mitt!” - Matt Purple/American Spectator

Much of the rest of Romney’s speech was a general defense of America and the American dream. The former Massachusetts governor also pledged to fight for conservatism. “I’m sorry I won’t be your president,” he said, “but I will be your co-worker and I’ll continue to fight alongside you.”

Louisianna Governor Bobby Jindal:

Jindal at CPAC: Be the Party of More - Mary Katherine Ham/HotAir

The Five Takes on Day 1 of CPAC