
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Video: Obama Angrily Denounces His Own Idea

Fresh off his weekend golf trip with Tiger Woods, President Obama attacked Republicans this morning for refusing to raise taxes as part of a deal to avert the looming "sequester" cuts -- which his administration championed and he signed into law. Here's a particularly alarmist snippet from Obama's prepared remarks (he took no questions from reporters), via the Examiner: - Guy Benson/Townhall

And who, pray tell, is primarily responsible for these "not smart , not fair," job-destroying, chaos-creating cuts? Over to you, liberal reporter Bob Woodward:

Obama: Criminals will be let go if sequester cuts go through - Charlie Spiering/Washington Examiner @charlesspiering

Obama: We must avoid these dangerous spending cuts that I signed into law - Allahpundit/HotAir


There’s nothing really new about Barack Obama’s anti-sequestration crusade, as summarized by Fox News:

The president spoke Tuesday at the White House, urging Congress to come up with a short-term fix to cancel sweeping cuts to defense and other programs set to hit March 1.

“These cuts are not smart. They are not fair. They will hurt our economy. They will add hundreds of thousands of Americans to the unemployment rolls,” Obama said. “This is not an abstraction — people will lose their jobs.”

The president ticked off a host of expected repercussions should the $85 billion in cuts for this year take effect. He said Border Patrol, emergency responders, FBI agents, airport controllers and others would all face cutbacks. He said teachers would be laid off by the thousands and America’s military would be degraded.

This is the same thing he always does. It really should be a fixture in late-night comedy routines by now. Propose a single dollar of spending cuts, and suddenly Obama has a row of firefighters lined up to receive their pink slips – as if more than a small fraction of his bloated spending has anything to do with the vital services a limited government should provide. You might recall that during the 2011 debt ceiling crisis, Obama was openly threatening to stop Social Security checks if he wasn’t allowed to rack up more debt.

This President often lapses into the rhetoric of terrorist “hostage-taking” to whine about his opponents, but it’s the most massive case of psychological “projection” in the world. Spending cuts are never about food stamp cards pulling millions in cash from ATMs at strip clubs, or billions of dollars in “free” cell-phone fraud, or federally-funded robot squirrels, or green energy giveaways. It’s always cops, firemen, and teachers marched onto the trap door, the instant Obama is told he has to stop spending money.

The American people should be sick to death of this.

Oh, please, Mr. Obama: please save us from the Sequester that you created! - Doug Ross

The man who invented the budget sequester now claims it will destroy America. Put simply, if America's had a more dishonest president than #44, I've yet to read about him.