
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Salon: 9/11 Trutherism Is Better Than Other Conspiracy Theories, Because It All Flows From One Unassailable Scientific Fact: Fire. Can't. Melt. Steel.

Ahem. - Ace Of Spades

Epic drubbing sparks Joan Walsh whine: What’s a little Trutherism? Don’t you know who I am, Ace of Spades ‘morons’? - Twitchy

Truth(erism) hurts! And, boy, was Ace’s takedown of Joan Walsh truly epic. Poor, little Joan! Once again hoisted by her own petard! ...Salon published a Truther article titled, “Give truthers a chance?” No, seriously. They did, and the hilarity ensued.

Salon piece says ‘Give truthers a chance!’; Twitterers offer up other #salonpitches - Twitchy