
Thursday, January 17, 2013

Rubio: Obama ‘doesn’t have the guts to admit’ that he doesn’t believe in the Second Amendment

“I’ll let you in on secret, I mean, the President is a liberal.” Rubio said wryly, “And this is part of the liberals’ long time dreams for our country and he sees this as a opportunity to get some of these things done." - Charlie Spiering/Washington Examiner @charlesspiering

“I think that the president – and he doesn’t have the guts to admit it – is not a believer of the Second Amendment,” Rubio said frankly. “If he doesn’t want it in the Constitution or he wants to reform the Second Amendment then have the guts to admit that.”

Whether or not President Obama’s big display of “doing something” will have any real teeth to it – his proposals of reinstating an “assault weapons” ban and imposing a 10-capacity limit on magazines are nothing more than recycled ideas that have hardly a snowball’s chance in hell of making it through Congress, not to mention the boundless evidence of their impotence at actually curbing violence — but what was on full display on Wednesday was President Obama’s prevailing attitude about the second amendment and gun-rights advocates. - Erika Johnsen/HotAir

President Obama conspicuously avoided the term “gun control” during his speech on Wednesday, but certainly threw “common sense” around a lot and didn’t neglect to heavily disparage the gun lobby. All of this denigrating of the NRA’s motives, as if it isn’t a huge and voluntary organization through which millions of Americans have taken gun safety and concealed weapons classes (which has an effective and direct impact in preventing and deterring would-be crime, by the way) and as if they somehow don’t give a fig about children’s safety and just stubbornly want to keep Americans well-armed for the oh-so-uncivilized sake of it, is telling. What’s more, as much as President Obama says he wholeheartedly approves of our “rich hunting and sport shooting traditions,” that fundamentally misses what the Second Amendment is really about.