
Friday, January 4, 2013


Hurricane Sandy victim, Scott McGrath of Staten Island, gives his opinion of FEMA and the Obama administration's handling of the storm relief effort. Aired on Fox News, January 4, 2013.

link - Jason Howerton/The Blaze

During an interview on Fox News Friday, Hurricane Sandy victim Scott McGrath went off on President Barack Obama and politicians in Washington who have allowed the nation to rack up debt while neglecting its own citizens. He reminded them “we run this country, not you” in an epic segment.

McGrath lamented the fact that nearly two months later, many Sandy victims still need aid and Congress has only been able to put forth a pork-filled bill that will only partially help those affected by the storm.

“He’s a phony. He’s a liar,” McGrath said of Obama. “He said to be face to face, that he is going to cut the red tape. We’re two months now no red tapes been cut.”

He also blasted Washington for allowing the nation to rack up massive debt. “This country is in debt. We are so eager to help other countries that we forget our own people,” he added.... We encourage you to watch the entire powerful interview.

Sandy Victim: Obama is a ‘Straight Out Liar’ - Nathaniel Botwinick/National Review

◼ Not just Scott McGrath, but others as well: 'He made a promise to help us and he broke it': Hurricane Sandy Victim pictured in embrace with Obama reveals her heartbreak at receiving standardized letter after his visit - Lydia Warren/Daily Mail

When President Obama hugged a tearful New Jersey business owner after Hurricane Sandy ravaged her home and livelihood, it was the image of compassion, promise and hope.

But the victim in the photo, Donna Vanzant, has now revealed that the president's promises to pour aid into the area were empty - and that, after the hug, she merely received a form letter from him.

Obama visited the destroyed marina Ms Vanzant owns in Brigantine, New Jersey on October 31 and promised her 'immediate' aid. Soon after, Ms Vanzant wrote him an email.

'Many days later, I got a response back,' she told the Philadelphia Magazine. 'It was disturbing.

'It had nothing to do with what I was asking him. It was a form letter. It thanked me for supporting the troops. He made a promise to rebuild on national television, and I can't even get this money.'

She said that, while she would never expect free handouts, the president had given her hope that something would be done to help....