
Friday, January 25, 2013

CFRW: Capitol Update

State of the State
By: CFRW Intern Jilian Plank

Yesterday Governor Brown delivered the State of the State. The bulk of his address highlighted California’s success in overcoming its crippling deficit. With a Prop 30 victory and the praise of a balanced budget, the Governor thanked the legislature for making hard decisions and pulling California back from fiscal disaster. While the Governor may think California has overcome all of its failures, there is still a lot of progress to be made. The people of California must hold the Governor and the Democrat supermajority accountable and true to their promises. Governor Brown said we must live within our means and not spend more than we have, meaning when it comes time to make the hard decisions, we must decrease California’s out of control spending. Californians have been gouged with taxes, and while that is not going to change, we must demand the accompaniment of decreased spending and a “live within our means” budget. Governor Brown also focused on education and water infrastructure in his address Thursday. He established his commitment to education and also touted local control as one of the ways to solve our broken education system. In addition, he stated the importance of our college students and denounced tuition hikes. When it came to water, he prioritized the Delta and noted the importance of water to our farmers. A huge part of the Governor’s address was logical and common sense oriented in terms of policy progress. As Californians, however, we must take what the Governor said today as a promise and a commitment to its people. For far too long we have heard incessant talk and no real action. Therefore, it is now in the Governor and the Legislature’s hands to create and implement these promises and re-commit ourselves to education, water infrastructure, job creation, decreased spending, and living within our means. When real policy implementation comes we will really be able to say California has made it past its difficult times. Until then, we must continue to hold the Democrat supermajority and Governor Brown responsible for our economic health and viability.

Notable Legislation

This year our Republicans in the legislature have introduced intelligent legislation that can help Californians as well as beat the Democrats and their supermajority at their own game. As you read in the Capitol Update last week, Assemblyman Gorrell (R) and Senator Cannella (R) have introduce legislation that will put Prop 30’s tax increase to work by not raising tuition on California’s public college students. This week we’ve learned about Assemblyman Logue’s (R) AB 51, a bill that would create $10,000 college degrees from California schools. From a press release, “This program would allow a student to graduate with a BA degree in 18 months and get right into the work force. I hope my bill will be the beginning of a revolution to the very pressing issue of the costs of college that students face these days,” said Logue. “We cannot expect today’s students to have a higher standard of living than their parents if they continue to leave college saddled with so much debt.” Today is the deadline to introduce bills in both houses. We look forward to more crafty bills like these from our Republicans!

President’s Message

Dear CFRW Members,

"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." (Henry Ford)

Blisters and all, we were successful yesterday, January 24, 2013, as Allison and I walked the halls of the State Capitol, meeting with some of our Republican Legislators. We felt it was necessary to open dialogue between our Republican Legislators and the California Federation of Republican Women. In a few cases we were not able to meet with the Assemblyman/woman or Senator, but did meet with a member of their staff. We will be continuing to meet with the remainder of the Legislators and those we missed yesterday.

The response was so positive. It was surprising how many were not aware of all we did as a Federation, other than run headquarters and help during elections. We received commitments from most of the legislators we personally spoke with about joining the Ambassador Program and having their staff join a Federation Club. We emphasized the need of being partners, of our working together on legislative issues, the Republican Party and being advocates for each other.

It was a wonderful experience and we are looking forward to continuing to stay in touch. Several requested information on our Conferences and Advocacy. Who know we might have some drop in when we meet in San Diego, on February 8-10.

We hope you are gearing up to share ideas with us at our workshops. You won't want to miss the "Leadership and Mentoring Workshop" on Friday beginning at 2:00 P.M. The three workshops on Saturday are only going to be as successful as you are willing to participate. Look on our CFRW Web site for further information.

Have you remembered to make your hotel reservations and send in your Conference Registration Form? If you are a Delegate or Alternate to the California Republican Party make sure you identify it on your registration form or you will not be allowed to vote for the CRP Endorsements.

It is with sadness that I mark the passing of two wonderful women who have meant so much to me. Karen Shubin, daughter of our CFRW Treasurer, Carol Stein, and my adopted niece. She lost her battle with cancer. She taught me so much and I thank her for her example. Also, Wathagene Bailey, one of my mentors. She convinced me not to quit the Federation when I was so discouraged. I often thanked her for her words of encouragement and wisdom. She was a former CFRW and Central Division Officer before she moved to Washington State. I shall miss them more than words can say. They were truly angels walking on this earth. May Our Father in Heaven continue to bless their family and friends.

Much love to all of you,
Carol Hadley
CFRW President
CFRW Winter Conference

Ladies, our winter conference is practically here! We are so lucky to be holding it in sunny San Diego! Click ◼ HERE for a flyer of more information and ◼ HERE for our Ambassador’s Event flyer. It’s not too late to register to hear speakers Senator Mark Wyland, BOE member Michelle Steel, RNC Committee member Shawn Steel, and more amazing speakers! Click ◼ HEREto register TODAY!