
Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Some interesting news has broken in the wake of the latest push for gun control by President Obama and Senate Democrats: Obama sends his kids to a school where armed guards are used as a matter of fact. - Awr Hawkins/Breitbart

If you dismiss this by saying, "Of course they have armed guards -- they get Secret Service protection," then you've missed the larger point.

The larger point is that this is standard operating procedure for the school, period. And this is the reason people like NBC's David Gregory send their kids to Sidwell, they know their kids will be protected from the carnage that befell kids at a school where armed guards weren't used (and weren't even allowed).

Shame on President Obama for seeking more gun control and for trying to prevent the parents of other school children from doing what he has clearly done for his own. His children sit under the protection guns afford, while the children of regular Americans are sacrificed.

Rahm's Kids' School Protected by Armed On-Duty Police - Rebel Pundit/Breitbart

(Rahm)Emanuel blasted NRA spokesman Wayne LaPierre after he proposed adding armed officers to schools across the country last week in response to the elementary school massacre in Newtown, Connecticut.

A written statement from Mayor Emanuel said:
It’s outrageous and unsettling that the NRA would choose to address gun violence not by taking assault weapons off our streets, but by adding more guns to our schools… That is not the right answer for our society, our schools and most importantly our children.

People across this country, from small towns to big cities, are united and ready to pass common-sense gun control legislation. The time has come for the NRA to get on board or get out of the way.
Given his staunch opposition to the suggestions made by the NRA to protect America’s children, will Mayor Emanuel now take the lead on ending the security procedures in place at his own children’s school?