
Friday, November 30, 2012

Romney Strategist Fails to Grasp Media Bias

Stuart Stevens was undoubtedly one of the advisers who told Romney that he should avoid criticizing the press. We reported on this fact, noting Romney’s comments during the campaign that he had no plans to challenge liberal media bias and that he would get out his message through ads and other means. - Cliff Kincaid/Trevor Loudon

Media Realism: How the GOP should handle increasingly biased journalists April 6, 2009 - Ed Gillespie/National Review

◼ “…the media will play the role of attack dog for Democrats, but not for Republicans. The media will stay on a negative story for days and continue pressing for answers when it involves a Republican.”

◼ The Left “perfected the cycle” of attack: “A blog posts an attack on a Republican candidate one day, the local daily paper runs a story two days later based on the blog account, and two days after that, a national Democratic campaign committee launches a “ripped from the headlines” attack ad citing the dailies. No Republican should be caught off-guard by this phenomenon again.”

◼ “…be willing to call out the media on instances of blatant bias….Reminding voters that the media often have their own agenda can help offset bias.”

◼ “…go around the traditional news outlets.”