
Sunday, October 21, 2012


In September, the Obama campaign collected $2,199,204.38 in donations with non-existent or invalid ZIP codes. The Romney campaign’s September total: just $29,620. - Breitbart
Earlier this month the GAI released its 108-page report, America The Vulnerable: Are Foreign and Fraudulent Online Campaign Contributions Influencing U.S. Elections?, which found that nearly half (47.3%) of the U.S. Congress have donation websites lacking basic anti-fraud protections that make them vulnerable to foreign and fraudulent online donations.

The GAI investigation also revealed that is owned by an Obama bundler living in China with business ties to the Chinese government.
Obama campaign accepted UK donation - Neil Munro/Daily Caller
President Barack Obama’s online donation site has accepted illegal donations from a foreign citizen, while Gov. Mitt Romney’s site rejected a donation from the same man, according to a New York Post article.

The small-scale test bolsters growing concerns that Obama’s deputies have minimized routine security steps in the hope of maximizing foreign donations during the hard-fought 2012 campaign....

Obama’s online donations system is not subject to government oversight, partly because he’s not taking federal campaign funds.

Concerned citizens cannot fully vet Obama’s donation system because federal law does not require candidates to disclose the names of donors who give less than $200. Depending on the campaign’s choices, donors who use false names or who contribute via several credit cards, may be able to provide more than $200 without being revealed as donors.

Public concern about Obama’s security procedures was boosted last month by the Florida-based Government Accountability Institute.

“For a campaign that is very sophisticated in its fund-raising capabilities, they do not make one effort to try to even see or ask somebody to check a box that says they are a US citizen,” Peter Schweizer, the institute’s president, told the NY Post.

In May, The Daily Caller reported several instances of what appears to be criminal fraud in Obama’s online donations system.