
Sunday, October 7, 2012

Las Vegas Review-Journal Endorses Mitt Romney

For president: Mitt Romney - Las Vegas Review-Journal

No state had a bigger stake in Wednesday's presidential debate than Nevada. No other state has suffered more economic hardship over the past five years. No state has a greater need for jobs than Nevada, which leads the nation with a real unemployment rate of at least 22 percent. No state will benefit more from a real economic recovery.

Nevada is one of a handful of swing states that will decide which man wins the White House one month from now. But Nevadans' impressions of Democratic President Barack Obama and Republican nominee Mitt Romney have been driven largely by negative advertising and stump speeches. Wednesday's debate marked the first time voters saw the men present, defend and contrast their ideas for how to grow the American economy and manage the executive branch of the federal government. Which man's leadership is more likely to spur investment in businesses and encourage companies to hire?

On Wednesday night, Nevadans watched Mr. Romney trounce the president. The evidence Mr. Romney systematically laid out exposed how the president's top-down interventions have virtually paralyzed our economy - and he presented a solution....

Early voting in Nevada begins Oct. 20. Election Day is Nov. 6. Over the last few weeks of this campaign, Nevadans must ask themselves which candidate will embrace policies that will put the people of this state back to work, creating the jobs that lift our incomes, our home values and our hope.

The choice is clear. Only Mitt Romney has the principles and experience needed to put America back on the road to prosperity. The Review-Journal endorses Mitt Romney for president of the United States.