
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

INSIDE Organizing for America headquarters

Project Veritas investigators went INSIDE Organizing for America headquarters in Houston and captured footage of paid campaign workers and other volunteers conspiring to commit election fraud in FIVE different states! (OFA: The DNC operation which serves as a de facto arm of the Obama campaign.)

This explosive new footage proves everything we've been saying all year long about the ease with which fraud can be committed - as well as the REAL reason the media is suppressing this scandal.

Thanks to our fearless investigators, they can't hide the truth anymore.

"Put your reputation on the line, journalists. Say this is an 'isolated incident.'"

Project Veritas

Organizing For America caught assisting double voting - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
O’Keefe and Project Veritas expose Obama for America/DNC voter fraud enablers - Michelle Malkin
VIDEO: Obama workers enable double-voting across state lines -
Casting more than one ballot in the same election is a violation of federal and state statutes. Experts said helping someone violate election law is also a crime....

“You can’t vote twice in a federal election,” said J. Christian Adams, a former Justice Department elections lawyer and author of “Injustice,” a best-selling novel about voter fraud. “Obviously, this Stephanie Caballero doesn’t find it as offensive as I do that someone may be planning to vote twice.”

Specifically, Adams said, voting twice violates 42 U.S.C.1973i (e).

“It’s absolutely illegal to help someone double vote,” said Hans von Spakovsky, senior legal fellow at the Heritage Foundation in Washington, D.C. He cited 42 U.S.C.1973gg-10.

“A lot of people don’t realize that, in addition to everything that everyone knows about the National Voter Registration Act — that it allowed mail-in ballots and registration through vehicle licensing departments — the last part of the statute put in criminal penalties for fraudulent registration,” said von Spakovsky, who had not yet seen the video.

Obama Official on Vote-Fraud Scheme: ‘This Is So Funny. It’s Cool Though.’ - The Other McCain

DNC Fires Employee Featured In James O’Keefe Video - TPM

Houston OFA headquarters shuts down after Project Veritas video. The news comes as a blow to supporters of the president who went to the Houston OFA office Friday and found it locked up and no one inside. -