
Friday, September 28, 2012

Of the many regulated-policies created in the past four years during the Obama presidency, this one should be the top of the “repeal-it” list. Scratch that – it ought to be number 2, after Obamacare.

Stop, Michelle Obama! The Children Are Hungry CBS local LA

The good news is that high school students don’t bow down to a liberal government and get pushed around without expressing their concerns – at least when it comes to getting their fill at lunch time. Their voice is loud and strong when they are rebelling for the right to eat. The bad news is that the United States Department of Agriculture and First Lady Michelle Obama may be a tough team for the young people to cross. But from reports, there is a sizable group of high school athletes expressing their concern regarding the food they are being denied every school day.

The high school students are complaining that their school lunches are just too small this school year, and they’re hungry. While reports have focused on students at a school in Wisconsin, it is now found that complaints are being voiced throughout the country at the start of this new school year. The new school lunch regulations being enforced by the United States Department of Agriculture via First Lady Michelle Obama’s healthy eating initiative are just not satisfying many of the nation’s youth.

Ironically, it has been reported that school lunches now cost 20-to-25 cents more per plate or tray, but students are tremendously dissatisfied with what is being put on their plates or trays.

According to various online comment threads, young people are fighting back by basically “going lunchroom rogue”. One Internet site reports that some students are sneaking in items that will liven up the lunches – items that are neither USDA-approved nor Michelle Obama-approved – such as chocolate syrup which students are selling on the black market by the squeeze.

Such entrepreneurs must be Romney-leaning, wouldn’t you think?