
Sunday, September 2, 2012

NYT admits: Romney Draws Huge Crowds in Cincinnati

In a Post-Convention Bump, Romney Draws Huge Crowds in Cincinnati - Jeremy W. Peters

A line of people that stretched for five city blocks awaited Mr. Romney as his motorcade pulled into the Union Terminal. Inside there were so many people that the campaign had to redirect a few hundred of them into a small overflow room, where they crammed in shoulder to shoulder.

Mr. Romney has often failed to spark much of a connection with his audiences, and enthusiasm for him along the campaign trail has often been in short supply.

But inside a soaring Art Deco-styled rotunda here, the candidate, joined by Senator Rob Portman and Representative John Boehner, the House speaker, delivered a vigorous and sharply focused speech that sent the audience into ear-splitting roars.

Not just 'Post-Convention':
“At huge Jacksonville Landing Romney-Ryan event – place is insanely packed” - 9/1
It's 8:21 on a Saturday morning and according to this photo snapped by Sharon Broadie, this is the size of the crowd that showed up in Powell, Ohio, (just outside of Columbus) to see Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan - 8/25
Team Obama: The smaller crowd sizes? We’re doing that on purpose - 8/20
New Obama panic: Romney crowd sizes - 8/13
I just got this disturbing report: Yesterday's Romney-Ryan rally in North Carolina pulled in an overflow crowd of 15,000 people.
Ohio Coal Miners Stand in Line for Mitt Romney - 8/20
10,000+ ROMNEY/RYAN Rally In WI, Over 10,000 more in High Point, NC... - 8/12
This is what 2012 looks like — lines around the block at Romney-Ryan rally in High Point, NC (Update – Overflow crowds in Mooresville) - 8/12
Huge crowds line Manassas streets for Romney-Ryan - 8/11