
Friday, September 28, 2012

No more Nick. Nick is sick.

Meet Nickelodeon’s Trash-Mouthed Misogynist Jason Biggs - Michelle Malkin

...This weekend, the Viacom-owned children’s network will debut a reboot of the “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” TV series. One of the lead characters (“Leonardo”) will be voiced by actor Jason Biggs. On August 29, Biggs published vile, lewd messages on his public Twitter account attacking the wives of the GOP presidential ticket during the Republican National Convention.

The Nickelodeon TV star joked about digitally sodomizing GOP Rep. Paul Ryan’s wife, Janna, and sexually degraded Mitt Romney’s wife, Ann, by referring to her body parts in a similar pornographic manner. He also mocked Christians and their faith. Wrote Biggs: “Clint Eastwood talking to a non-responsive stool sorta sums up Christianity in a nutshell, huh Republicans?”

Biggs then publicly re-tweeted (shared) his actress wife, Jenny Mollen’s, own misogynist jab at Mrs. Ryan: “People are cheering off screen because Janna Ryan is showing her t*ts.”

Biggs cravenly attempted to erase the evidence by deleting his X-rated tweets without apology or acknowledgment. But the Internet is forever. My editors at, the conservative Twitter curation and aggregation site, preserved the twisted messages and pressed Nickelodeon for corporate accountability.

On September 1, Nickelodeon ignored swelling parental outrage over Biggs’ shocking vulgarity. Instead, the network promoted Biggs’ public Twitter account on two of its official social media outlets. The “@TMNTMaster” account run by the network promotes “all things Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle” and has more than 2,500 followers — including parents and children. The “@NickelodeonTV” account has nearly 700,000 followers — including parents and children.

Both official Nickelodeon accounts, which have been peddling the “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle” program debut with a nonstop ad blitz rivaling a presidential campaign, encouraged fans to check out “@jasonbiggs” — making access to Biggs’ filth just a click away....

Nickelodeon has the nerve to boast about its many “corporate social responsibility” campaigns, including a project encouraging children to stand up to bullies. But when confronted with a garbage-spewing, misogynistic cyberbully within its own lucrative kiddie TV lineup, Nickelodeon is a craven enabler.
No more Nick. Nick is sick.

f you’d like to contact Nickelodeon, you can do so via Twitter ◼ here or ◼ here or by calling 212-258-7500 (ask for viewer services). You can also contact its parent company Viacom ◼ here, via ◼ Twitter, and at (212) 258-6000.