
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Netanyahu: 'Future of world at stake over Iran'

On September 27, 2012, Israel Prime Minister Benjamin (Bibi) Netanyahu addressed the General Assembly of the United Nations on Iran and Radical Islam. He laid out a clear danger of radicalized Islam and the regime of Iran to the world, raising Bernard Lewis' comment that mutually assured destruction is not a deterrent for Iran, but an inducement.

Obama's address.

Netanyahu at the UN: “Red lines don’t lead to war; red lines prevent war” - Erika Johnsen/HotAir

The Obama administration has steadily resisted publicly announcing a precise “red line” on Iran’s nuke program, insisting that they’ve been standing tough with diplomacy and sanctions, but Netanyahu was plenty frank in relaying that he doesn’t think that’s quite good enough. It’s too bad President Obama didn’t have any time to discuss all this “noise” with Netanyahu while he’s in the country this week — but I’m sure he’ll be looking forward to the president’s phone call on Friday.

Benjamin Netanyahu warns future of world at stake over Iran's nuclear programme - The Telegraph

"The only way you can credibly prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon is to prevent them from enriching enough uranium," he added.

Krauthammer’s Take: Israel’s Red Line ‘Vague’ No Longer - Eliana Johnson/National Review