
Sunday, August 12, 2012

Ryan injects gravitas into the GOP ticket

With the addition of Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) to the presidential ticket Mitt Romney looks bigger and the Republicans’ opponents look smaller, tinnier in their carping. - Jennifer Rubin/Washington Post

Romney in Virginia Saturday and again in North Carolina Sunday morning was as animated as he ever has been. The earnest Ryan not only clicks with Romney but gives him a certain gravitas he did not exude previously. Is that because he is now the senior partner in a duo or because he has stepped up his game? Maybe some of both. Certainly the degree of conviction in what he is saying has increased with the selection of the quintessential conviction conservative running mate.

Now when David Axelrod whines that these guys are “ideologues” it sounds almost like a compliment — those guys believe in something. When he protests that they are “radicals,” he seems now especially off key. The two gorgeous Ryan and Romney families, with two candidates vowing to save Medicare and promising to help small business are hardly radical. The image trumps Axelrod’s talking points. He’ll need new ones.

10 ways Ryan annoys liberal media - Jennifer Rubin/Washington Post

The selection of Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) as Mitt Romney’s running mate blows up a bunch of phony story lines the media have been peddling.

Republicans invigorated by Ryan - Jennifer Rubin/Washington Post

Republicans were a bit giddy yesterday over the selection of Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) as Mitt Romney’s running mate. Fay, a retiree, attending Romney’s rally in Manassas, Va., told me that she was delighted: “My three children voted for Obama last time. They’re not voting for him again.” She likes Romney and Ryan because they “believe in America.” A couple in their mid-40s said that their 13-year-old son dragged them to the rally. The mother said that Obama turned out to be “not as great as we thought he’d be.”


The conservative base is on fire after Mitt Romney’s announcement of Paul Ryan as his running mate. Andrea Saul, advisor to Romney, tweeted this morning that the Romney campaign raised $3.5 million online in the 24 hours after the announcement.

Sarah Palin congratulates Romney on Ryan
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