
Friday, August 17, 2012

RNC on Obama’s interviews: “This is not a parody”

President Obama just wrapped up another hard-hitting interview where he discussed America’s top concerns, like whether our president prefers green or red chiles, his take on “Call Me Maybe,” and what superpower he wished he had. It’s been over eight weeks since President Obama took a question from the White House Press Corps.

Heh. Because it’s Friday, and it’s funny — on air yesterday with Obama campaign press secretary Ben LaBolt, and again today with DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, MSNBC hostess Andrea Mitchell wondered aloud about the growing sentiment that President Obama doesn’t seem to make himself much available for hard-hitting press coverage. - Erika Johnsen/HotAir

Obama's soft-media strategy - Byron Tau & Dylan Byers/Politico

It’s come to this: Newly media-shy president turned down an interview with … Chris Matthews - Allahpundit/HotAir

I don’t blame him. What if Tingles surprised him with a tough question about how difficult it is to deal with Republicans?