
Monday, August 13, 2012

Medicare will go bankrupt in 12 years, according to the program’s own trustees, and has become the largest driver of our $16 trillion debt. President Obama hasn’t done a single concrete thing to prevent these outcomes.

Ryan touched the third rail - Romney’s VP pick was first to legislate Medicare reform - Emily Miller/Washington Times

On Monday, Mr. Romney said his vice-presidential candidate has “come up with ideas that are very different than the president’s. The president’s idea, for instance for Medicare, was to cut it by $700 billion. That’s not the right answer. We want to make sure that we preserve and protect Medicare.”

...starting with his first blueprint as budget committee chairman in spring 2011, Mr. Ryan took the behemoth health care program head-on. He proposed giving vouchers to seniors to pick from better, private insurance companies instead of being stuck in the government-run Medicare system. The program would start in 2023 to bring free-market competition into Medicare so prices could go down while quality improved....

It would have been a win-win if not for House Democrats launching the biggest “Mediscare” onslaught in history, immediately running attack ads in 25 targeted districts, including Mr. Ryan‘s. One advertisement claimed each congressman “voted to end Medicare, forcing seniors to pay $12,500 for private health insurance, without guaranteed coverage.”

This wasn’t true... More at the link