
Friday, July 6, 2012

"America Can Do Better And This Kick In The Gut Has Got To End"

Romney: 'It Doesn't Have To Be This Way' - Daniel Halper/Weekly Standard

"Not only is the 8.2 percent number unacceptably high and that has been in place for over 41 months, but in addition if you look at the broader analysis of people who are out of work or dropped out of the workforce or that are underemployed in part-time jobs needing full time work, it's almost 15 percent of the American public," Romney said, according to a rush transcript. "Then there those that are working, but working in jobs well beneath their skill level or multiple part-time jobs. Kids that are coming out of college not being able to find work. Veterans coming home not being able to do anything but stand in an unemployment line. These are very difficult times for the American people."

But while "the president doesn't have a plan," according to Romney, and "hasn't proposed new ideas to get the economy going," it can change: "It doesn't have to be this way." More, at the link.

Mitt Romney addressed the press 90 minutes after the BLS released the June jobs report, and hammered Barack Obama for his economic policies and ObamaCare. “This kick in the gut has to end,” Romney told the press, and during a question-and-answer period put a large amount of the blame on ObamaCare. “When three-quarters of small businesses say that ObamaCare is keeping them from hiring,” Romney replied, “it shows that President Obama has put his liberal agenda ahead of job creation.” - HotAir

Obama, meanwhile, called today’s report “a step in the right direction.” Er ….
Mitt Romney