
Monday, July 16, 2012

‘They’re Demoralized as Hell!’

Why? Because, as one Republican source mentioned to me last week, while Team Obama admitted they got out-raised by $35 million in June, they didn’t report their cash-on-hand total. Hint, hint. - The Other McCain

What my GOP source was suggesting was that the Obama campaign’s burn rate is already so high — their staff overhead is enormous, and they’ve been pouring on the attack ads in battleground states — that they’ve substantially depleted the cash advantage they enjoyed in May, when they ended the month with more than $100 million cash on hand (compared to a mere $17 million for Romney, as I’ve previously explained). The Campaign to Re-Elect the SCOAMF had counted on that financial cushion as their ace in the hole. If nothing else worked, they could bury Romney in attack ads down the home stretch in October, but it’s only July and if the Obama campaign is already burning through that cash at an unsustaintable pace . . .

Well, there’s a good reason they’re “freaked out,” you see.

If the polls start shifting toward Romney now, the scenes inside Obama HQ in Chicago will be Hitler-in-the-bunker Downfall parody stuff.

◼ Full version at Battleground Virginia - Robert Stacy McCain at The American Spectator

More Cause for Panic at Obama HQ - The Other McCain

Mitt Romney’s “Restore Our Future” super-PAC raised a record $20 million in June, yet another signal that Team Obama’s hoped-for financial advantage in the 2012 campaign has failed to materialize. - Washington Post